Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kids Ride on Toys

Shopping for Kids Ride-on Toys Shopping for kids ride-on toys may bring you more selections than you were initially prepared for. Ride-on toys have always been favorites of kids, whether they be toddlers or teens. Little ones love the mobility that comes with sitting on a ride-on toy, and older kids love the freedom and the power that comes with riding a bicycle or motorized bike or scooter. Purchasing the right bicycle, scooter, tricycle, or motorized toy is a decision that you shouldn't make on the spot, however. Buy An Age Appropriate Toy While you might be tempted to buy a ride-on toy that is a bit too big for your child at the moment, you really need to buy something that fits your child now. If you purchase a toy that is too large for your child, you're actually placing your child at risk for becoming injured. Pay attention to the age recommendations for the item before you buy and allow your child to use it. Be sure your child can reach the pedals and is old enough to work the power button or accelerator and brakes before you turn her loose on a new toy. Safety Issues Of course, you can't wrap your kids in cotton and protect them from every bump and bruise, but you can purchase toys that are safe for them to use, and you should teach them how to use the toys properly. * Don't buy cheaply made toys-A kids ride-on toy is not the toy to skimp on. A toy that is cheaply made may also increase the risk of injury to your child. Look for toys that are sturdy, with a wide wheelbase that will lessen the risk of turning over. * Examine the toy for potential safety hazards-Look for sharp edges, screws, loose parts, etc. before you purchase and before your child rides the toy. * Mail in the registration card-This will give you access to any recalls concerning the item you have purchased. * Purchase safety accessories-No matter what type of kids ride-on toy your children ride, they should wear a helmet, elbow and knee pads. This should be something that is expected of your child every time she rides. Eventually, putting on these items will become a habit for your child. Your child should always wear shoes as well. * Don't allow your kids to ride at night-Motorists may not be able to see them. * Take your kids to a safety class-Check with your local transportation and police departments to inquire about bicycle, ATV, and other safety training classes and workshops that your kids can attend. Many of these are free to the public.

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